Open for Business

We're proud contributors, maintainers and creators of
open source code.
Open source code refers to code that can be used and changed by a software developer (i.e. us!) without infringing on any copyrights. In other words, we can use it for free, which means that you benefit from having beautiful components which are maintained by talented people from around the world custom fitted for your needs -- without even paying additionally for it!
Open Source Code

Below are packages we've created:

Jumpstart any application with Grafite's Scaffold. A thoroughly documented Boilerplate Laravel application, completely free, with zero updates required. Utilizing: Bootstrap, Vue components, Stripe, ChartJS. It comes with Teams, Notifications, Invites, and Permissions out of the box. A fantastic starting point for any custom application.

Sometimes its far less complex to generate the needed HTML for a component. We made this package so we could centralize many of our design elements into reusable components.

Our Forms package is a powerful Form Object system which lets developers generate forms via objects using PHP in a single location, and even create single line forms in your Blade files.

A powerful yet simple way of integrating ChartJS into your Laravel applications, using Chart objects.

We mainly work with MySQL databases, which means sometimes we need some extra tools. Our Database package provides some exta tooling for MySQL databases.